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Greetings fellow traveller, welcome to Clock Town, the heart of the land know as Termina. Clock Town Central brings you right into the middle of this busy town, so please enjoy your stay and make sure to book a room in the Stock Pot Inn.
Clock Town Central has been online over 4 years now and we are always striving to bring you the Zelda Information that you're looking for.
Clock Town Central News and Updates |
Here it is! New Layout and more!
Okay everyone, this is what I've been working on the past few days. It'll be easier for me to tell you what I've done/what's happened: 1) Clock Town Central has a new layout, all thanks to Zelda Insider. Though it's quite simple, it nice, neat and tidy.
2) With the new layout in place I decided that it was time for a clean up, so I've spent these few days going through every single piece of content. I've corrected errors, removed content pages that had no point, completely over-hauled some of the content (re-writing). I have also changed practically every single piece of content, adding images here and there, changing the layout of some of the pages, all so CTC can look fresh and much more appealing. These are changes that are for the better, go take a look around, take the game main pages for example, I've added more information and an introduction image to each game. So much has been changed that it's hard to list it all, so I suggest to just have a look around for yourselves.
3) The News layout has changed :D
Well, that's all for now, welcome to the new Clock Town Central! |
 Posted on 13 Sep 2005 by Doh
Many changes abound.
I'm back...well, sort of. Over the next few days you'll notice many changes here at Clock Town Central, so please excuse the up and coming mess that will be the site. "A mess you say?" Yes that's right, a mess. But not for long, the changes will require the site to be under heavy construction and therefore some of the content pages may not work, but I'll try and keep that to the bare minimum. Though I won't reveal many of the bigger changes, I can say that I will be going through every piece of content on this site, change the pages and then upload them all shiny and new. Though having looked through the content already, some of the pages will be scrapped to make way for bigger and better projects. |
 Posted on 10 Sep 2005 by Doh
More Minish Cap Content
Darunia has brought us more content from Tiger Scroll Guide, Wind Crest Guide, and Beastiry for The Minish Cap. |
 Posted on 10 Sep 2005 by Saria
New Email
I have decided to change the running of this site to a new email. I believe it will make things more effective and the such. From now on, anyone would like to contact me with anything invovling CTC needs to email me at SageSaria@gmail.com from now on. I'll get all the links on the site changed as soon as humanly possible. Thanks! Don't forget to look at the request for staffers. |
 Posted on 31 Aug 2005 by Saria
::Shameless Plug::
Well, this is Akira here with a Shameless Plug! You'll notice in the sub-menu on your right that there is a new link to...*drum roll*...The Written Legend! Yup, that's my new site, and it opened last Tuesday. At CTC, TWL is an affiliate, and at TWL, CTC is an ally, so, yeah, whatever. XP We offer quality writings about the Legend of Zelda and a growing amount of other unique content as well, such as "The Interactive Legend!". Enjoy, and feel free to send your comments/suggestions/concerns/questions to me at webmaster@writtenlegend.net! [/END SHAMELESS PLUG] (And don't forget to look at Saria's request for staffers, right below this news tidbit!) |
 Posted on 30 Aug 2005 by Akira
I'm looking for several new staffers now. I would like to be able to hire a coder to code articles and such. Also, I'm intrested in a layout maker who can provide a constant updated look to the site. A new staffer who can provide updates on the new Twilight Princess game and the soon to be announced DS Zelda game. As such, email me if you would like to join. I don't expect anyone to be perfect, however, it would be prefered if you had MSN Messenger. |
 Posted on 30 Aug 2005 by Saria
Not Dead Yet...
As you have probably been wondering, where are all the updates? Well, I'm sorry, but we havent' had any. I, Saria, have been very busy since I have band and I'm starting my junior year, which translates to homework. Oni Link, works, is in Band with me and is a Senior. Akira is currently working on bringing another site to life.Darunia is MIA. So if you're reading this Darunia, you don't email me in a week, you're fired...anyone want to work on the Minish Cap section email me. Doh is not a active provider of this staff. Basically he pays the bills and keeps the site from crashing in on itself.So, I'm sorry if I don't update as much as I should. I promise. It will get better. There is just the fact that some things take time. Even my Spanish teacher noticed the last of updates. Hey Senora! All for now. |
 Posted on 19 Aug 2005 by Saria
Shoot Me, Please...
Oh my Goddesses, it's time to destroy Nintendo! The game we've all been waiting for, tLoZ: Twilight Princess, has been delayed till next year, more specifically, to sometime after March 31st.
  You can read more about this tragic event in this IGN (bleh!) article: http://cube.ign.com/articles/642/642238p1.html To quote one upset fan, "It's almost like waiting for OoT," although, I must add, it's been nowhere near five years since tWW. Still, the good point about this is that TP will subsequently be larger and, overall, an even better game. Let's just hope that it'll come out before the Revolution. .__." |
 Posted on 16 Aug 2005 by Akira
Forums Updated
Well, perhaps Saria was planning on telling you this, but I got here first. Saria has recently gone through the CTC Forums and added General Discussion, Introductions, and Zelda RPG sections. Hopefully some of the, what is it?, apprx. 60 people/day who visit will read this and decide to check out the awesome forums. You can find them here: CTC Forums - Join and Have Fun! |
 Posted on 15 Aug 2005 by Akira
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