Well what can I say? It's been a whole year since CTC first came online and what a year it's been. CTC has had its fair share of ups and downs over the past year, so I decided to do this editorial.
This is an in depth look at the history of the site.
Believe it or not, I am the second webmaster of this site. But I've picked up enough information to write this editorial. Now, CTC started on April 2nd 2001 by the old webmaster, the_bomb9234. It had a very simple layout and well, not exactly much information and somehow was left to die by the_bomb9234 on April 5th 2001, only a few days after it was launched.
But on May 11th 2001 the_bomb9234 re-launched the site with its second layout and more information on Majora's Mask, the layout made by ZeldaHC. But it didn't seem to have been a very good re-launch, because on May 13th 2001 CTC saw its last update from its old webmaster.
During that period of CTC's life with the_bomb9234 as webmaster the site started on Netfirms then moved to SPhosting and then back to Netfirms.
About the sites name: Now here's a fact you probably didn't know, but the site has actually got two names. Its primary name is Clock Town Central. And its secondary name, Clocktown Central. Not exactly a big difference but because of legal issues we opted for Clock Town Central as our primary name, just in case we got into trouble, which is fair enough, better safe than sorry.
But on July 10th 2001 CTC saw the entry of its new webmaster, me!! (Doh). And well, changes started to happen.
Primarily CTC was a Majora's Mask site. But when I jumped onto the scene I decided to change things around. I decided to introduce more features onto the site, also information about the other Zelda games. First thing we did was create an OoT section.
And site has been growing ever since.
After about a month of me being the webmaster, I had managed to get a steady amount of hits and decided to go on the hunt for a host, I haven't got the exact date when I decided to “do the hunt” but I do know that it was in early August.
But sadly I didn't really get much luck during August and CTC had quite a few rejections, but on a brighter note, ZeldaHC did make a new banner for the site on the 16th August 2001.
And also he became the graphics designer for the site.
September 2001 was quite an eventful month, we got a Co-Webmaster, that didn't seem to stay for very long (well okay, in fact he submitted two pieces of work and disappeared, pretty good huh?). And guess what! CTC found a host!
So on September 26th 2001 CTC moves to its new host, Extended Gamer. It was just really a direct move, I decided against a new layout, but I did keep on adding information.
Our URL was: http://ctc.extendedgamer.com
Being at Extended Gamer really boosted the amount of things the site was able to achieve and it was definitely a great place to be hosted at.
Now during this period at Extended Gamer, CTC got hits and was carrying on growing which any normal site does.
I made quite a big decision; I was at the time the co-webmaster of a site called N-Stuff and this big decision was too fuse CTC with N-Stuff, until it found a new host. And I decided to fuse!! So on October 21st 2001 CTC fuses with N-Stuff, but by the time we fused, N-Stuff had been renamed Anime Central…I wonder where the ‘Central' part came from.
But the fusion wasn't to last and in early November Anime Central found a new host and left CTC for its new life as a full site, CTC and AC remained Brother Sites.
And now during November disaster struck, Extended Gamers host got pretty annoyed with it (for some unknown reason), so they got deleted Extended Gamer along with CTC and what a blow it was to the site! We were getting a lot more hits than it had done in previous months, it was the greatest time the site had had and CTC was really booming.
So I decided to move back to Netfirms on November 16th 2001, so really the hunt began again!
Hits were at an all time low so it really made finding a host quite difficult, but one day on MSN I was chatting to Josh from the Iceman Network and he offered hosting to me! I was so happy, I had found a host!!
So after our bad time at Netfirms we moved to our new host at The Iceman Network on December 12th 2001, yet another day for celebration! It was yet another direct move and I decided against a new layout until the site got enough hits.
The URL is quite handy as well: www.ctc.kzoo6.com
CTC entered the New Year in style, in January CTC got a new Co-webmaster (which I might add he is a lot better than the last one). Also something I should add, is that CTC got its third layout on January 19th 2002! But under some unfortunate circumstances, the layout only stayed for two days…pretty great huh?
Well the reason for this is CTC had some very major downtime due to the Iceman Network moving to a different server. I think it was just over two weeks CTC was down for.
Due to this downtime I had time to think, so I decided to start over! And on February 9th 2002 CTC re-launched with a new layout and better things to come.
I started the year with a few ideas and one of them was creating N-Central into an actual website. So I got cracking on N-Central and sorted out staff members. N-Central is a Nintendo site that covers all consoles (except for the VirtualBoy) that Nintendo have released! N-Central will be released later in the year so will another site called Mario Central. N-Central is kind of like CTC's replacement site. Replacement!? You may ask, well read on to find out more…
And well here we are April 2nd 2002 CTC's first and last birthday because on very soon CTC will fuse with Zelda: The Hylian Legends (ZTHL for short) to make a great Zelda site!
So there you go the whole history of CTC from beginning to well, the end. It's been great working on CTC and I am looking forward to your visit at ZTHL.
So here's to the future of ZTHL!
- Doh, April 2nd 2002
BUT WAIT!! It doesn't just stop there!! Yep, as you may be aware Clock Town Central never really fused with ZTHL, due to a lot of the content not being needed, so on October 27th 2002 CTC re-opened its doors! And let's just say the future's out there so's Clock Town Central!
- Doh, October 2002
But it seems I was too optimistic about the sites future, once re-opened updates went well and all seemed fine and then in December I managed to get CTC hosted by Crystal Cube. And that's where all the problems started. CTC was never updated, I just didn't have the time for the site, there was no staff and the site needed to be treated better. So in January 2003 I decided it was time that I step down from being the webmaster of CTC and pass the site onto someone else.
I posted the news on the site and sure enough I had someone interested in becoming webmaster, but sadly the plan fell through as the person had other duties with his own site. So the search was on again and so within a week I got an e-mail from someone interested in filling the job.
So it was February by then and everything was set up for the new webmaster and I was ready for retirement from the site but remained owner, the site's future seemed secure again. But I was wrong, the new webmaster posted twice asking for staff and then nothing, February ended and March roled by, still nothing. Then one day on AIM the new webmaster popped up and explained that he could no longer stay with CTC as he had another site to look after.
And so that was it, by then I had totally given up on the site. CTC was down earlier in the month due to the hosts bandwidth problem and then the webmaster leaving in middle of the month, CTC was doomed. So I decided that it was time to close for good...Well I wasn't exactly sure...
What happened next? You may ask. Well it all started late March when I had decided that GC128 was going to deffinetly get a domain name, so I toyed with the idea of starting channel's, or a network or something along those lines. First idea was to make a GBA channel, as I had all the content and then it suddenly occured to me that a Zelda channel would be a good idea, I had the content so why not?
And so as you can see everything has turned out well. The ownership of CTC sort of changed but not drastically, I'm still the owner of the site, but as it's now part of the GC128 network, the site is now under ownership of GC128. Also the site has had a slight name change though primarily Clock Town Central, the site is also now called Zelda 128 to fit in with the network.
So we'll just have to wait and see how things turn out.
- Doh, April 2nd 2003 - this part of the history was written on CTC's second birthday, let's see if we can reach a mighty 3 years old!
Well it looks like that mighty three years old may be a possibility. It's been an interesting six months for CTC (since the last time I updated this history). The site re-opened as apart of the network, however I knew I couldn't update it that often, so it was treated as really the Zelda section for GameCube 128. It was updated though, a few bits of content was added slowly but surely around the site. With that however, Zelda 128: Clock Town Central (as it was called within the network) still looked bear and a dying site that struggled to get some hits in. So I decided that it was high time for CTC to get a new fresh webmaster.
May rolled by, but sadly had no luck finding a webmaster. The in early June things changed. I was in the earlier part of the year still working for MCLoZ, but sadly MCLoZ closed on May 15th leaving the staff members without work. A few weeks before the closure I starting talking to Ganondoof and got to know him well. He had a great enthusiasm towards the Zelda series in a whole and in fact took over as The Wind Waker section manager on MCLoZ. However MCLoZ closed before he could do much, but we still kept in contact over May and then June came by. In the first few days in June, I had a brainstorm, CTC needed a webmaster and there were a few people from MCLoZ looking for sites to work on.
So I approached Ganondoof with a proposition, I indeed asked him if he would like to be webmaster of Clock Town Central, within seconds I got a positive answer! And on June 5th 2003 Ganondoof started his first day as the boss of Zelda 128: Clock Town Central. It was great over the next few months Ganondoof enrolled some great staff members, found some new affiliates, gained CTC loads of hits and a whole load of new content was added. But it didn't stop there, CTC was given two new layouts!
I remained as owner of CTC to help Ganondoof steer clear of major problems and helped him out whenever he needed it. And so the site continued to grow (and still is growing), it made me extremely happy and so as a present for CTC I purchased a domain name for Clock Town Central to call home! Clocktowncentral.com was the domain and was set up in September 2003, the site moved in straight away and was well received by everyone. By that time the name Zelda 128 had been dropped as Clock Town Central was no longer just a section for GC128 but a full proper network site that now had its full independence.
And so this is it really, CTC is still growing at a fast rate and is never short of new content. Do I think the site will reach that third birthday? Of course I do! I look forward to the rest of the year and to a future that looks great!
- Doh, October 28th 2003