Palace 1's Boss
Horse Head ~ I would recommend leveling up a little
before facing any boss incase you don't want to die.
Ok, this is what you do. When you first enoucnter
HorseHead, he'll walk around swinging his mace. What
you want to do is to stab him in the head. I reccomend
casting the sheild spell first and only once. (This
spell lasts forvever in one screen, once you go to
another screen the spell's effects wear off, except
for the life spell) Just keep hitting horsehead with
your sword and he's finished.
Palace 2's Boss
Helmet Head ~ Basically you just hit him in the head,
but always cast the sheild spell before you enter a
boss battle.
Palace 3's Boss
Iron Knuckle ~ Ok, before entering the battle make sure
you learned the downward thrust from mido, this is
important and it makes it eaiser to defeat the boss.
Once you have that, enter the boss room and cast the
sheild spell. The room will appear empty, but it
isn't. Quickly walk back and forward between the
screen once and stand in the middle. You should see a
little blue horse with a rider on it. DON'T face it,
keep you back toward it. Once it charges at you turn
around, jump in the air and keep using the downward
thrust on his head.
Repeat this until the horse is gone. Once the horse is
gone he'll be just like any other ironknuckle, except
he'll throws swords at you. So dodge or block the
swords and fight him like you would any other
Palace 4's Boss
Defeat Carock ~ While battling Carock, your Attack
Level is insignificant. Cast the Reflect Spell and
kneel down on the far left, facing to the right. Each
time that Carock's magic hits Link's shield, it
bounces off and hits Carock instead of Link. Continue
this process until Carock is defeated.
Palace 5's Boss
Defeat Gooma ~ The higher your Attack Level, the
easier Gooma is to defeat. At Attack Level Eight, it
takes six strikes to defeat Gooma. Using the Jump
Spell and Shield Spell, jump over Gooma's ball and
chain while repeatedly hitting him in the stomach.
Palace 6's Boss
Defeat Barba ~ Get on the second ledge from the right
and wait. If Barba comes up away from you then jump
his fire balls and wait. If Barba comes up next to you
then use the Up Thrust on his chin. Repeat this
process until Barba is defeated.
The Grand Palace's Bosses
Defeat Thunderbird - As soon as you see Thunderbird,
cast the Thunder Spell. This will cause the
Thunderbird to turn blue, and make him vulnerable to
attack. Next, cast the spells of Shield, Jump, and
Reflect. Jump and Up Thrust the Thunderbird in the
face as fast as you can, or just jump and strike him
in the face as quickly as you can. Watch his life
line, and do the best you can to avoid his fireballs
until he's defeated.
Defeat Link's Shadow - Stay in the center of the
screen kneeling down. Always face the shadow while
swinging your sword constantly. Keep doing this, and
occasionally you will score a hit on him. If you're
able to enter this room with full life, you may want
to try kneeling down on the far left side of the room
and swinging your sword as quickly as possible.