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  A Link to the Past - Ghosts of Misery Mire

For people who usally never heard of Wacky Things, many ask: What is the Ghost of the Misery Mire? Most people are just curious and never heard of them. The more easily understandable part is Misery Mire. It's a wet, rained on swamp area, It's the area where the sixth dungeon can be found.

The Ghost is an invisible creature in ALttP that was discovered by a player on accident 1992/early 1993. One day, a plyer couldn't go farther in the game in Misery Mire and started Slashing around. It hit an enemy and there was NO ONE THERE! Nevermind that, but he was in a section where no enemies where usally anyway so, what's up with this?!!?

After discovering the Ghost, the player wrote a letter to Nintendo of America asking about the enemy. They confirmed it, but there was nothing else known about it. Nintendo also had a theory that I plan to release soon.

What you need?
Here are items you need to get to the Ghost and play around with it. The easies way to explain how to get these items is able to obtain as soon as you have the Magic Hammer from the first Dark World dungeon.

Magic Mirror, magic, hookshot, sword, Titan's Mitt, flute, duck, and any damaging weapon.

Find Ghosts in only 5 Easy Steps!

Step 1:
Go to the Light World, the first world, use the Magic Mirror and go there. In the Light World, call the Duck, and have the Duck leave you off at map point 6, which is in the bottom left hand corner of the map. The duck leaves you at the bottom left corner of Desert of Mystery.

Step 2:
Using Titan's Mitt, throw away the 2 big rocks. Under one rock is a Dark World Transporter. Before going on it, equip the Bombos Medallion. Now, step on it to go to Misery Mire.

Step 3:
You'll be on a big ledge jump off and be quick: you'll be by the Ghosts!

If this is your first trip to the Mire, it'll be raining. You can barely see crap. So, if you have the Ether Medallion, go up to the dungeon and use that medallion to stop the rain. Then head back down toward that ledge.

Step 4:
Use Bombos Medallion and enjoy the show. Now get ready, because after the multiple explosions animation, the last step will take place.

Step 5:
After the explosions of Bombos are finished, every enemy will burn, baby, burn! Is there a flame on your screen that doesn't have an enemy? If so, congrats, you've found the Ghost of the Misery Mire!

When defeated, the Ghosts will drop 1-8 Bombs.

O God, you SCREWED up!
You didn't see the Ghost? Damn. In that case, you've experienced one of two known problems. The first of them is that the Ghost, like most enemies, can move around the screen. Return to the Light World and come back to the Dark World using the small portal the Magic Mirror leaves behind. Now do steps 4 and 5 again. The Ghost will be at the starting point where I told ya it was.

For those of ya who found them, here's good news: they respawn! Keep leaving the Dark World w/ the Magic Mirror and come back. Enjoy this as many times as you like!

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