Helping The Bombers
Getting Into The Bomber's Hideout
Getting The Jewal
Getting To The Tower
Getting The Skull Kid
Turning Into Link Again
Months after Link had beat Ganondorf he was riding through the Lost Woods and a skull kid comes and frightens Epona and steals Link's horse and ocarina. Link goes after the skull kid in the Mask and is sent into a world much like Hyrule, but different in many ways. The skull kid then changes Link into a Duku Scrub.
A button-The A button is the spin attack as a deku scrub.The action button(A) must say "Attack" The same attack as in Ocarina of Time Link uses.
Flying- stand on a deku flower then hold A. Then release A, you will then go into the air.
B- Hit B when you are flying to drop Duku Seeds.
Shoot duku nuts from your mouth
In the north part of the Clock town enter the cave. You will be in a fairy fountain. Then after the fairies have talked with you, you need to go find the missing fairy.
In the day, the missing fairy will be above the stream in the southwest part of clocktown. Skip over the water to get it.
At night the fairy will be in clocktown's courtyard(eastern part of clocktown) Use a duku flower to get over to it.
After you bring the fairy to the fountain you will receive the power to shoot duku nuts from your mouth.
Helping the Bombers
A bomber is a gang of kids that are always getting into trouble. Go to north clock town(the edge of the grass) and you will find a bomber who is the leader of the gang trying to shoot down a ballon. Shoot it down(press B)
Getting into the bombers hideout
All you have to do is find the 5 bombers before sunrise. Here is where they all are.
Northern part of Clocktown, by the northern entrance to Termina Field. The far right part of the grass.
On the grass near the entrance to the fairy fountain. Behind the building.
Near the western entrance to termina field in clocktown.
Top north western part of clocktown's court yard.
Top north eastern part of clocktown's court yard.
Once you get the code go tell it to the bomber kid in front of the alley in the far top eastern part of clock town.
Go down the alley and when you get to a ladder shoot down a ballon. climb the ladder and you will be at an observatory.
Getting the jewal
Using a telescope look at the top of the clock tower. Look at the skull kid and zoom in on him. Then a jewal will fall from the moon, go out through the door and get the jewal.
Getting to the tower
At midnight the clock towers door will open, it leads to the roof. To get to the clock tower's deck(this is where the door is) use the duku flower close to there. There is a duku scrub who owns it, that will give you the title deed that makes you the owner of the flower if you will give him the jewal from the moon(the moon's tear). Trade with him and fly over toward the door so you can go into it at midnight. On the top of the clock tower the skull kid waits for the moon, so get there by midnight to get the skull kid.
Getting the Skull Kid
On the top of the Clock Tower's roof you will find the skull kid. Shoot him with a Deku Seed. If you hit him it will make him drop the ocarina he took from you. Pick it up, then equip it and play the song from the cinama scene. This is the song you will learn. c-right, A, c-down, c-right, A, c-down.
Turning into Link again
You will return to the first day, and every thing will reset, the only thing different is that you have your ocarina. Show it to the mask seller in the door under the door you went into at midnight and he will turn you into Link, and make your old self(duku link) into a mask.