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Majora's Mask - Walkthru - Great Bay Temple |
When you enter the temple turn into a goron and smash the barrels with your fists to get supplies. Then use your fire arrows and light the torches by the door. You will get fairy #1. In the next room turn into a Zora and swim to the yellow-green valve that is in the northeast corner. This valve is under water, do not pull any other valves right now! Go back to the door you came in and under the platform of the door is fairy#2. To the left of the entrance is a giant skultula, kill it to get fairy#3. From where you got fairy #3 keep hoping from the platforms to get to the exit on the other side. In the next room there is water going the other direction of you. On the western platform of this room in a
barrrel is a fairy. Turn into a Zora and go to the bottom of the room. There will be a jug. Use your boomerang attack to break the jug and then swim into it to collect a fairy. Now hug the wall and swim into the hole in the wall just to the left of the door you came in. In the next room watch out for skullfish, and swim to the lowest platform and climb up. Use your hookshot and hookshot to the chest, you will get the map from it. To get the next fairy, shoot the jugs across the room with arrows and use your great fairies mask to bring them to you. Now jump into the water and sink to the bottom. Look for an entrance with dixie hands around it. Use your boomerang as a Zora to attack the dixie hands and swim through the hole. Swim into the next room. After you defeat all of the bio duku babas in this room swim to the surface and to the chest with a fairy inside. In the next room defeat the bombachu
with an arrow before it spots you. Swim underwater and defeat the duku babas and dixe hand and get the small key from the chest. Swim to the surface and hop from lilly pad to lilly pad to the alcove with a chest that has a compass inside. To get the next fairy use your boomerang to break the jug in the under water area. Use your great fairies mask to bring it to you. Now hop into the seprate area of the room with the current that will take you back to the main room with the current. Sink to the bottom and go into the room with the red tube. When you surface in the next room you will be by a red pipe. Walk up it and follow it to the locked door. Use your small key to open it. n the next room the yellow and green chuchus come back after you defeat them, so stck up as much as you can. After you have enough supplies go into the next room, you will fight wart, the mini boss. You have to first distroy
the bibbles protecting the eye, shoot them with your arrow and slice the eye with your sword. Once the eye is exposed try to get an arrow in, after three arrows wart rolls around, try to get one more hit in the eye with your sword or arrow. After you defeat him the ice arrows appear. Exit the room and exit the room with the supplies in it. In this next room are a bunch of octorks. Freeze one of them with your ice arrows and jump on it then onto the valve. Move the valve. Now go back to the room with the current in it (the third room from the entrance). Go to the bottom and go into the red and green tube room. Hookshot to the room you got the map from. Shoot ice arrows into the water to make steps. Keep making them until you get to the other side of the room with the door. In the next room shoot the chuchu with the ice arrows and climb up it. Jump onto the lever and move it. Go back out the door and out
the tube of the next room. Use the ice arrows to make a path to the ice platforms on the north side of the room. Cut down the ice on the ground with your sword and use the fire arrows to break through the ice covering the door. In the next room is another mini boss. Get your ice arrows and bunny hood ready. The gekko brings the jelly with him to the ceiling. Shoot the jelly while it is still on the ceiling with the ice arrows. If you don't shoot is you get beat up real bad. When you freeze the jelly at the celing it shaters, then chase the gekko with the bunny hode on, and it with your sword. Keep doing this until you defeat him. When you do defeat him you get the boss key. Go back to the main room with the strong current. MAke your way over some gears to a water fall. Use your ice arrows to freeze the water. Climb up the ladder and inter the next room. on the left side of the room are some barrels.
Hookshot over to them. Jump to the green valve and open it. Get back to the yellow platform with the barrels. Get some ice platforms in the northwest corner of the room. Use your hookshot to hookshot to the buls eye mark. Get the fairy up there. Now play the song of soaring to warp back to the begging. Go into the second room and change the direction of the water current. Now go to the exit of the room on the other side and look for a hookshot mark hookshot over there. Ride the water you landed on to a valve. Turn the valve. Now jump into the water and swim to the yellow valve. Turn that again which makes the water current to go the other direction. You can now swim to the other two tubes. Now head to the third room of the temple(the one with the current) and go in the red-green tube. In the next room swim over to the moving platform and ride it up to the shaft above. Jump on to the moving gear.
Balance on this gear until the horizontal moving platform is close to you and then jump onto it. Then look for a secret alcove and hookshot to the chest or torch in the alcove. In the chest is a fairy. Now swim over to the moving platform and get your ice arrows. Shoot the water falling from the ceiling after the platform is at the top. This will make the gears stop and you will be right over them. Jump over the gear shaft and keep going until you get to the gear blades. Walk onto one of the gear blades and face north. You will see a chest, hookshot over to it and get the fairy. Make your way across to the door in the southwest corner of the room. In the next room there will be a bunch of see-saws. Right when you enter the room look straight down and under that see-saw is a secret room. Swim into it and dash into the barrel to get a fairy. Keep using the fire and light arrows (fire melt the ice,
ice freezes the water) on the see-saws until you get up to the green valve. Turn is, then walk on the green pipe until you get to the hidden room behind the gold grating. Hookshot to the fairy inside to get a fairy. The door from this room over looks another room. Swim through the tube in the northwest area(where you entered the room) and head back to the third room (the water current room). Sink to the bottom and enter the green tube room. In this room you get the final two fairies, remember this room! A fairy is in the "going out tube" in a bubble. The last fairy is under the valve platform. To get it break the bubble with an arrow and use the great fairies mask to bring it to you. Now since you have all fairies give it to the great fairy in Zora Cape. When that is done go back to the room you found the last two fairies in, and go into the bosses room. This is the hardest boss in the game and takes a very long time to beat. It is a good idea to get all 15 faries in the temple and to get some faries in a bottle. As Zora Link get in the water and shoot your boomerang at his eye to stun hime and shoot him again to hurt him. You can not brotect your self from him and he will eat you up and spit you out if he gets you. About half way through he will call some baby gyorges to help him out. Kill them with your electric attack. Keep this hard task up to beat him.
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