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  Ocarina of Time - Beastiary
Here is where every enemy in the game is listed. The folling guide gives you hints on how to defeat them and other useful things. Enjoy!


Habitat: Forest Temple
Recomended Weapon: Arrows
One of the four Poe Sisters in the Forest Temple, Arrows should make chopped meat out of this deadbeat enemie.

Habitat: Spirit Temple
Recomended Weapon: Din's Fire
These mumified creatures can not be harmed by anything except fire, Ironically it is their only attack, shooting fire at you. There is a flamming circle in everyroom you can find them in, and they move exactly as you do except oposite, so if you move left, they move right, and so on. So just lead them into the fire. Of course I just use Din's Fire myself, it's much faster.

Habitat: Dodongo's Cavern, Spirit Temple
Recomended Weapon: Bombs
These for the most part are just statues, but some come to life when you touch them, quickly use bombs or bomb flowers to turn them into dust. But stay clear when you do, cuz they litterally blow sky high!


Baby Dodongo
Habitat: Dodongo's Cavern
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These little buggers can be quite anoying when the fly out of the ground and attack and then hide like cowards again. The good thing about them, that is all they are, little buggers, one swipe of the sword will turn them into living bombs, but not living for long as they have a short fuse.

Habitat: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Recomended Weapon: Bumerang
This monster is basicly 3 Biri combined, hit it with the Bumerang and it will split into 3 Biri, then the rest is child's play.

Habitat: Dodongo's Cavern, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower
Recomended Weapon: Bombs
Thankfully these guys don't move. Beamos sit there spinning their one eye around in circles, if it sees you it will shoot an ongoing lazer at you, the only thing that can stop it is sending its decapitated head into the air, which means bombs, bomb floweres and oh, did I mention bombs?

Habitat: Forest Temple
Recomended Weapon: Arrows
Another one of the Poe sisters, let those arrows fly!

Big Deku Baba
Habitat: Forest Temple, Kokiri Forest (Adult Only)
Recomended Weapon: Sword
A larger and stronger version of the Deku Baba. These buggers can pack a punch, but it shouldn't be anything to difficult, just slice em' and dice em'. If push comes to shove use your slingshot to stop him dead in his tracks and hack away.

Big Octo
Habitat: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Recomended Weapon: Sword, Bummerang
This is the mini-boss of Jabu-Jabu's Belly, to beat him get around behind him so that you're the one chasing, and throw your boomerang (Insert "Up Yours!" Here...) and slash his weak bottom when he's stunned, repeat process until he turns into goo.

Big Poe
Habitat: Found in various places on Hyrule Field
Recomended Weapon: Arrows
A larger type of poe that will get away if you give it half the chance, so thats why you don't, saddle up Epona and make the ghost wish arrows had never been invented.

Big Skulltula
Habitat: Forest Temple
Recomended Weapon: Hookshot
A comon mistake people make with skulltulas is, they charge em and attack, they find themselves two seconds latter butt on the ground wondering what hit them. The thing with skulltulas are their front side is protected by an invincible skull. The trick, you wait a couple seconds for it to turn around revealing its underside which is the exact oposite of the front. A sword will take em out easily in 2 hits, but if you want my trick that most people fail to realize, despite the fact that the Hookshot stuns most enemies, for the skulltulas big or small it is much more then that. No matter what side you hit them on or where (even on the tip of one leg if you wish) the Hookshot will kill them instantly.

Habitat: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Recomended Weapon: Boomerang
These are electrical Jellyfish that will shock you if you come in contact with them in any way, directly or indirectly. Which means you can't touch them, you can't hit them with your shord, or block them with your shield. This is where you say "So I'm screwed?" and I say "NO!" There IS a way, and it's called the boomerang. One swift throw and the Biri will be no more.

Blue Bubble
Habitat: Forest Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword, Sheild
As if you ever thought you'd be using your defensive item to kill an enemy, but it's true, unless you get those skulls out of their blue aura and cowering away from you on the ground, they are invincible. Of course there are other ways to stun em', like the hookshot, but it's soo much easier givin them the good ol' shield bash.

Blue Tektite
Habitat: Laky Hylia, Water Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
When it all comes down to it, they are as simple as that, jumping for legged freaks that can walk on water... Jesus wannabees. A quick slash of the sword should put you out of your miseries, and pray you never hear that "hop" sound again. (It gets very anoying after a while.)

Cowardly Bastards...er uh I mean...Business Scrub
Lost Woods, Sacred Forest Meadow, Underground Caves
Recomended Weapon: Sheild
I know it sounds rediculous but these guys are so dumb that you can deflect the deku nuts the shoot right back at them. The worst part is when you've beaten them and they are groveling for mercy they still have enough nerve to attempt at striking up a deal with you, and for the most part what they are selling can be bought for less in other places or even found for free around hyrule. I'll only tell you this once so listen up...KILL THEM ALL!


Club Moblin
Habitat: Sacred Forest Meadow
Recomended Weapon: Hookshot
Guarding the entrance to the Forest Temple when you are an Adult, will be a much larger and stronger variation of Moblins, it will be holding a hudge club that can cause showaves in the earth that propel you back. Like all other moblins though, one quick shot of the hookshot will bring him down, of course sword works too as long as your behind him.
Composer Brothers
Habitat: Kakariko Graveyard
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These are special Poes that used to be the famous Composer Brothers before they died. They are a little more difficult then normal Poes but you can still turn them into swish cheese faster then you can say "Suckyasscomposerbrothershavebeenreducedtoswishcheesebymemuahahahahaha" Just force them into unconditional surender, the painful way.
Habitat: Kakariko Village, Lon-Lon Ranch
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These are for the most part harmless Chickens, if you harm them enough though they call in reinforcements and the screen litterally rains with tons of Cucco's attacking you everywhich way, and they are invincible to top it off! Only way out is leaving the area.


Dark Link
Habitat: Water Temple
Recomended Weapon: Megaton Hammer
This is your shadow brought to life! At first he is just that, a shadow. You can see through him and he copies your every move, but the more you hit him the darker he is going to get until he becomes a solid dark form and he does whatever he wants instead of being a copy cat. You want to avoid this if at all posibly, which means killing him before he becomes a solid form, except everytime you strike with your sword he strikes back and blocks, you need to strike with something he can't block, your main weapon here is going to be the Megaton Hammer, but of course there is always Din's Fire to help you out.

Dead Hand
Habitat: Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These suckers can get pretty anoying if they get ahold of you, stay clear of his many hands, if you use the eye of truth you can see him underground, to get him to come out get grabbed by the furthest hand from him (any hand will do but furthest is better) as soon as it lets go, run up to the monster, target it, wait for him to bend over and hack away. Continue process until his broken jaw hits the floor.

Deku Baba
Habitat: Kokiri Forest, Great Deku Tree
Recomended weapon: Sword
There is only one thing to be said, extremly fragile and weak. These suckers will fall apart the moment your blade comes in contact with them, of course other things can do the job, just about anything can kick their butts, but hey if that is the case why bother when you can just swing the sword.
Deku Scrub
Habitat: Great Deku Tree
Recomended Weapon: Sheild
Almost identical to the shitless cowards 'Buisness Scrubs' except for one detail, they don't offer you petty deals they give advice. Slightly less irritating but just as dumb.

Habitat: Dodongos Cavern
Recomended Weapon: Sword
Lizards with no brains and a shitty sword who know how to jump like hell, what can I say, it's their only good attribute, they can jump. Just yous your sheild, don't even bother dodging their wimpy attacks, and slick em' and dice em' until they die, which should be soon.

Habitat: Dodongos Cavern
Recomended weapon: Sword
It's the grownups coming to defend their weak as hell kids. What can be said, their skin grew tough as they grew up, they are large, with rock hard skin and breathe fire, they have one weak point, hit their tail with your sword, the downside, they can use their tail as a weapon by swinging it around at you, you could be aproaching for the kill and wham! But what can be done, you have to go up to their tail to kill them. Like their baby brothers they blow up when they die, so stay clear.


Fire Keese
Habitat: Dodongos Cavern, Fire Temple, Spirit Temple
Recomended Weapon: Arrows
These Keese are on fire! Literrally, they are just like Keese in every way except when they touch you it's like any other situation when you come in contact with fire, you burn. So it's simple, don't let them touch you and be glad that the speed of arrows is much faster then the speed they can fly.
Flare Dancer
Habitat: Fire Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword, Hookshot
This guy is a little round bugger who dances around in a body made of flame. Pull him out of the fire with the hookshot and slash him furiously. Repeat until there isn't enough left of him to repeat with.
Habitat: Forest Temple, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These guys can get really anoying cuz they can keep coming back. When they turn green and fly at you they are indestructable, just dodge his path or he will suck your health. Kill one just to find he splits into 3 smaller ones. If you kill these smaller ones they are dead, but if they get ahold of you and suck your health they grow into full sized ones, meaning the process starts over again. Simple trick, eliminate them before it gets out of hand.
Habitat: Ice Cavern
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These always made me think of chess dudes made of ice, with of course the unique ability to freeze you into a block of ice upon blowing on you. Simple as this slash them till thereaint nothing to slash no more.


Gerudo Theif
Habitat: Gerudo Valley
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These freaks are agile! They can jump so much it'll piss you off, there's only one tactic I've learned when fighting them, hit them before they hit you, because if they get enough hits in you get thrown in prison, so just keep dodging their attacks and hitting when you can, and hope they mess up.
Habitat: Shadow Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword, Fire Arrow
These are basicly Re-deads who have been mumified. Shoot a fire arrow and burn those cloths away turnign them back into the decay they really are, it makes them scream less then they would, but other then that, hack away with your sword, but don't let them touch you or they'll suck your health greatly. But then again, it isn't easy to avoid them when their scream stops you dead in your tracks. They've always been anoying so don't go looking for an easy way out.
Ghoma Egg
Habitat: Great Deku Tree
Recomended Weapon: Sword, Fairy Slingshot
These are the eggs that carry the Ghoma Larvae inside, you can slash them with your sword if you get close enough before they hatch or you can avoid them altogether by shooting them with your Slingshot. They can't harm you in an egg so they basicly suck more then anything that sucks of suckyness... except Buisness Scrubs... they suck more.
Ghoma Larvae
Habitat: Great deku tree
Recomended Weapon: Sword, Slingshot
This little buggers jump at you when their eye is red, and run like cowards when you hit them. It takes 2 shots (unless you use a strong weapon) to kill them and they pretty much suck, that's all I can say really cuz there aint much to tell. Advice? My advice was already given, get them while they're still eggs!
Gold Skulltula
Habitat: Just about everywhere
Recomended Weapon: Hookshot
These guys make the most ANOYING noise in the game! Other then Navi of course, I mean the most anoying noise made by an enemy... no wait that's not right either, Navi is an enemy, ok most anoying noise made by something that can be shut up, there that works. Anyway there are 100 of these guys in the game, get the all and you win several prizes as well as the satisfaction for never having to hear that blasted screetching noise again.
Green Bubble
Habitat: Forest Temple, Bottom of the Well
Recomended Weapon: Sword, Sheild
Unlike the Blue Bubbles, these ones fly in patters, and after a while their green shield goes out, but comes back again quickly enough. Just give em the old shield bash and they are open to to your blade.
Habitat: Lon Lon Ranch
Recomended Weapon: Slingshot
These are anoying birdlike creatures that are in a big group during the night at the Lon Lon Ranch, they are almost identical to Keese other then what they look like, just ignore em unless they attack you, then kick their butts.


Ice Keese
Habitat: Ice Cavern
Recomended Weapon: Arrows
Like the Fire Keese, except upon touching you they freeze you into a block of ice, the anoying thing is, when your on fire you can still move, and even put it out, but ice stays longer and to top it off you can't brake it on your on, or move when your frozen, it's about here where you say "Ah bloody hell!". My recomendation, if you hear wing flapping noises in the Ice Cavern, snipe em out with the bow before they get you.
Iron Knuckle
Habitat: Spirit Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
There is only one thing I can tell you against these guys, DODGE LIKE HELL! Seriously, they pack a punch, it's like 4 hearts off with one hit. Stay out of his way and slash him when you get the chance, but concentrate more on survival. If your low on hearts, stand behind a pillard, hell smash it down to get to you and 3 hearts will apear where the pillard was.


Habitat: Almst every dungeon from the second and on
Recomended Weapon: Arrow
Well I've mentioned Keese in 3 places, what can I say, they are bat like things, very anoying, stick an arrow through a wing and watch em fall, simple. Oh, by the way, normal Keese can fly through fire to become Fire Keese, or fly through Blue Fire, to become Ice Keese.


Habitat: Desert Collosus
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These guys are the most anoying thing in the game (next to Navi) There is vertually unlimited of them and they pop up non-stop in the desert and chase you attacking you constantly, and on top of that they are faster then you! Which means you can't outrun them so don't bother, just run for the nearest land (that is off the sand) and hope for the best. You can however dodge them, cuz they go generally (for the most part) in a straight line, but it takes you sooo long to get there if you try dodging them the whole way, and even when dodging your still bound to get hit so what is the point. Standing ground and fighting is stupid, don't tell me you can win against somethign that will never die. You kill one, another comes back, you don't kill one, another comes back, you are SCREWED buddy, just get out of there while you can.
Habitat: Spirit Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These are the better versions of Dinolfos, don't take them for granted just because their predecessors sucked. They have better swords, better armor, can jump higher, are stronger, well to sum it up they are better in every way. Guess what, there is more, they can breathe fire, so watch out! My recomendation, kill them before they kill you!
Like Like
Habitat: Bottom of the Well, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Shadow temple, Gerudos Training Ground
Recomended Weapon: Sword
Pretty much everything can be killed best with your trusted Sword, and this is no exception, that is why they didn't make it a C-button and it's equipment, you need it the whole game more then anything. The thing about Like Likes is, if they suck you in, they will steal the tunic you have equiped (unless it is the green tunic) and your Hylian Shield (if it is equiped) If these things happen, kill the Like Like and he will drop your items, but if you leave the room without killing him and you come back they will be gone, so if you want my recomendation, DON'T LET HIM TOUCH YOU! I thought you should know by now not to let anything touch you, it never does any good.


Mad Scrub
Habitat: Sacred Forest Meadow, Kokiri Forest(Adult Only) Underground Caves
Recomended Weapon: Sword
Finally a deku scrub who can fight back! These guys are Identical to Deku Scrubs except for a few things, firs of all they are red, socond of all they shoot 3 pellets not 1, which means if you wait ti'll they start shooting one, and then run up to them before they are done the 3rd one, they wont go underground just yet and you can hack away with your sword, of course you can also use your shield or slingshot, but I like making them feel the blade. When they get hit they run out of their flower and jump all over until they come back to their flower, so before they do give them a good wacking or you have to start the process again.
Habitat: Forest Temple
Recomended Weapon: Arrow
Another of the 4 sisters, fill the air with that satisfying 'sting' sound the arrow makes as it pierces through flesh.
Habitat: Sacred Forest Meadow (Adult Only)
Recomended Weapon: Hookshot
These are the large pig like creatures that have been around since the first Zelda game, they are servents of Ganon and pretty anoying if they get you. Thing is they are practically invincible except the back of their legs, only problem is if they see you they charge full force in a straight direction, in which case they are completly invincible during this time. Don't let them see or hear you, that's right they can hear you, but there is a chance, you don't have to get right up to their week spot behind the legs, see like the Skulltulas their worst fear is the hookshot. Form any side, any angel, anyway, if the hookshot hits them they are dead. This of course doesn't include when they are charging you, cuz when that happens your only option is getting out of their way, and if you can't, well you're screwed.


Navi Habitat: It lives in your hat and follows you whereever you go
Recomended Weapon: There is nothing that can witstand the evil force of Navi unfortunatly.
The ultimate enemy, nothing can kill her, she is virtually invincible, you only get one time without her and even then it's only when fighting Ganondorf, so you still get no rest. Some people don't regard Navi as an enemy, but there is nothing more evil in the game. The way she yells into your head "HEY, LOOK, LISTEN" is enough to drive a man mentally insane. You talk about beating Ganon, but surviving through the game to get there was the real chalenge. There is no doubt about it, Navi is your worst enemy, avoid her at all cost whenever possible!


Habitat: Pretty much most places where there is water
Recomended Weapon: Sheild, Arrow, Slingshot
These are basicly, in my opinion, the water version of Deku Scrubs. They sit there virtually invisible underwater and when you pop by they surface and shoot pellets at you. Send them back with your sheild or use Slingshot or Arrows (depending on weather you are adult or young) But most of the time I just ignore them because their aim sucks, the pellets go slower then the ones Deku Scrubs shoot, and they are really weak, not worth your attention.


Parasitic Tentacle
Habitat: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Recomended Weapon: Boomerang
These are large tail like things that hang in Jabu-Jabu's Belly, and they can pack a punch. They are pretty fast too so avoid them when you can and throw your Boomerang up at their weak spot and whatch them fall into the ground splatering into shapeless goo.
Habitat: Hyrule Field (Young Link Only)
Recomended Weapon: Slingshot
They are hudge anoying beasts of uglyness in dire need of a makeover, that can fly with razor sharp blades. These guys are strong, what can be said, all you can do is shoot them with your slingshot unless they get close enough to hit them with your sword, but whenever they are that close you generally tend to focus more on their razor shard blades instead of their weak thing that sticks out of the bottom. They fly high into the air during mid-day and spit out Peahat Larvae, if it isn't mid day, but another part of the day, they will be in the ground, with their hat thing sticking out. However if you get close enough to ones in the ground they fly up anyway. During the night they don't fly out, but if you strike them they spit tons of Peahat Larvae. If you strike them enough at night they drop items.
Peahat Larvae
Habitat: Inside the Peahats
Recomended Weapon: Sheild
These little buggers are much smaller versions of Peahats, but they are much more anoying. Most of the time, unles you get close to it, Peahats stay high in the air and spits its Larvae, but its Larvae, which is faster then you, comes after you. Peahat Larvae are basicly the Leevers of the air, which means it's almost worse, almost. Oh and another thing, these buggers, unlike Larvae, are invincible. That's right, unlike the Peahats, the Larvae have no weak point except one, their own drilling force. If they bash into the ground when flying (and they lose altitude as they go on, so they come down slowly) they obliterate themselves. Another thing you can do to avoid them is give them the good ol' sheild bash, if you can nock them into the ground the will die.
Habitat: Kakariko Gravyard, Hyrule field (Adult Only)
Recomended Weapon: Sword
There are two different kinds of Poes really, the ones in the graveyard, and the ones in Hyrule feild when you are an Adult. The ones in the graveyard should be pretty easy, slice em and dice em, but the ones in the Field are the same speed as you, and float away if you try to get closer, so you can't hit them cuz you can't reach them, and another thing, the ones in the Field shoot fire at you. My recomendation, just run away from these ones, they aren't worth the trouble.


Red Bubble
Habitat: Fire temple
Recomended Weapon: Sheild, Sword
Well here is another Bubble variation, it is virtually the same except its protective bubble is made of fire so it burns you, oh ya and they hide under lava and like to jump out at you in unconvenient times and places. Last but not least, they have a really anoying laugh.
Red Tektike
Habitat: Death Mountain Trail
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These are basicly the same things as Blue Tektites except; They can't walk on water, they can't jump as far, they aren't as strong, they die faster. What more can be said? They suck.
Habitat: Shadow Temple, Bootom of the Well, Underground Caves
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These guys are like Gibdos except they are Blind wich means they can't see you. What does this do you ask? Well for one it means they only scream if they hear you, so you could walk right by them (at a certain distance of course) and not arouse attention. If they get you though it is quite anoying but hey, wacha gonna do, kill them quick it's all I can say. If you play the Sun's Song near them they freeze for a matter of time, oh and what else, ah yes if you kill one and there are others nearby they'll come to suck the life force out of the corpse, but most of the time it disapears before they do. Yes they are very strange and morbid creatures.


Habitat: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Recomended Weapon: Deku Nuts
These are bubbles that float around in Jabu-Jabu's Belly (yes I DO know how weird that sounds) but anyway, if you run into them they pop, of course it hurts you minorly, ut they die and it's quick, or you could simply use Deku Nuts and kick their asses the old fashioned way, with a bang.
Shell Blade
Habitat: Water Temple
Recomended Weapon: Hookshot
These are very anoying underwater clams, they open their mouths for a second and then close them, turn around, and attack you like their on drugs or something... Time it right, and shoot your Hookshot when they are open, cuz their shell is invincible, and they do move faster then you can walk.
Habitat: Great Deku Tree, Forest Temple, Death Mountain Trail
Recomended Weapon: Arrows, Slingshot
These are a smaller variation of skulltula that climbs on walls. They see only movement, so if you are climbing their wall, and are right beside them and stop moving when they turn around they wont see you, ya I know it's stupid. Anyway, just get them with an Arrow, or Slingshot, depending on the time period, or if you are close enough you can use the Hookshot.
Habitat: Another underwater druggy freak from the Water Temple
Recomended Weapon: Hookshot
In their Spike form they are invincible, so just dodge em', wait ti'll they retract their spikes, and make them into mince meat with the hookshot.
Habitat: Hyrule Field (Young Link Only)
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These guys are basicly just Skeletons that pop out of the ground at night, they are nothign to worry about, in fact you shouldn't even waste your time with them, they just plain suck, although it is kinda fun when you slice their heads off and they keep walking. But anyway, 2 quick swipes should eraticate their bones enough. There is a larger variation of the Stalchild, but they suck too, the only difference is the bigger ones drop better stuff.
Habitat: Forest Temple, Shadow Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These are big ugly skeleton creatures with some armour, a shield and a sword. They can jump pretty well, espesially when they do the Jump attack (which is basicly the same as your Jump attack.) They are hard to kill as they often block your attacks, they are formidable oponents, but still they can be reduced to chopped sticks like anything else, look for an opening in their defenses and strike! Scatter their bones across the floor.
Habitat: Jabu Jabu's Belly, Water Temple
Recomended Weapon: Slingshot, Arrow
These guys can swim and fly, and they shock you on the touch, so don't take a dip when they are in the water. Use slingshot when your a kid, or Deku Nuts then Sword to take em down, as an adult it is the same principle, and thankfully Arrows don't slow down in water.


Habitat: Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Recomended Weapon: Boomerang
These creatures can get pretty anoying, like the Biri's, if you come in contact with them in any way and electrical shock gets you dead on, the good thing? they are weak to shocks too, which means it may hrut you to run into them, but they die instantly. Of course getting hurt is never a good thing, Boomerangs can take them out efficiently without any trouble.
Torch Slug
Habitat: Fire Temple
Recomended Weapon: Megaton Hammer
These are ugly anoying slug like creatures that look like a living volcano. Use the Megaton Hammer to flim them on their back where they are as harmless as Ghoma Eggs. And then just slice em' and dice em', or finish them with the Hammer, whichever you prefer. The only thing that they can really do to hurt you is set you on fire so they are pretty weak.


Habitat: Forest Temple, Bottom of the Well, Shadow temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
Theres are just like Floormasters except for one thing, they walk around the roof were they can't be seen, and drop down on top of you. You will see a round shadow where you stand growing larger if this happens, better get out of the way. If they get you they bring to back to the entrance of the Dungeon. If however they miss, they will walk around the floor until the shortly go back up top, but you shouldn't let them, kill them before they can get away. Unlike Floormasters they don't split into 3, they just die.
White Bubble
Habitat: Spirit Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
A rather strange variation of the Bubbles, it flies in a straight path and you can attack it normally, no special attributes no nothing. Strange for something that apears only in the last dungeon.
White Wolfos
Habitat: Ice Cavern
Recomended Weapon: Sword
There is only one White Wolfos, and he is sort of the boss of the Ice Cavern, but he registers as just a normal enemy. He is bigger, stronger, faster, and just about better in every way from the original Wolfos, but other then that there is no difference, still the same howling, still the same weakness, still dies by the blade.
Habitat: Sacred forest Meadow (only once) Forest Temple
Recomended Weapon: Sword
These suckers have one weekness, their backs, oh you can attack them normally, and finish them fast enough, but why go for fast when you can have faster, speaking of faster I'm almost done this so I'm gonna rap it up quick, let them attack you, block the first hit and they'll try the second time by swinging harder, dodge this one, do a backflip or something for show, and you'll see he swings so hard he turns right around, leaving his back that normally he would keep out of your reach open, do a quick slash and watch him howl! Repeat this process one more time and he will be on the ground.

Well that about raps things up for the Beastiary, now just a word of note, you know how most guides say "you can use this as long as you give me credit" well guess what, all you other Zelda sites (excluding a select few) can kiss my original but! That is right, no rewording what-so-ever was put into the work of this, it is 100% my original work, that I stayed up late doing, so if I catch anyone having this on their site, I WILL sue, this guide is mine and only the privelidged CTC has acess to it, no I will not give anyone permission to use this guide so don't bother asking, if I want you to have permission I'll tell you, asking me will get you nowhere! Well you guide theives out there, you have been warned! This is Slave Zero, saying PEACE OUT ALL!

Desert Colossus
Exploding Deku Nut
Gaming Exe
Hidden Triforce
Hyrule Castle
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Hylian Worlds
Memories of Zelda
The Written Legend
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Zelda X